Ten reasons to hire IT developers from Ukraine

07 June 2022

Nowadays, when the whole world is moving toward online, one of the most popular and sought-after professions is programming. According to professional estimations for 2022, the profession of programmer will be in strong demand, and probably, it has all the chances to develop its leading role in the IT market. That's why many companies throughout the world are looking for professional developers and are ready to hire them remotely regardless of the country. 

There are approximately 307 thousand IT developers in Ukraine. This is a huge pool of qualified programmers who will be a great fit for your dedicated team. IT turned out to be one of the most resilient areas in Ukraine during the war, as evidenced by statistics - 85% of IT companies continue to operate in a normal business rhythm. Before the start of Russian aggression, the IT sector was in the top three leaders of the Ukrainian export industry, after metallurgy and agriculture. Still, now these industries cannot function normally, so computer technology is in the first place. So if you have long wanted to take courses to start a career in IT, now is the time. IT companies were not only able to quickly adapt to new realities, they helped their employees financially and organized relocation. The important thing is that the demand for IT specialists continues to grow even in a crisis situation, and the average salary does not stand still or fall, but minimally, but increases. 

Ukraine is the second country after Poland to offer a large pool of qualified IT specialists. Ukraine has emerged in the industry, producing more than 140,000 engineers and IT graduates annually. The country has a battalion of experienced talent thanks to its well-funded universities. Ukrainians believe that education produces a better workforce, so they invest heavily in higher education.

Modern-oriented companies are always looking for new employees to share experience and beneficial cooperation. In Ukraine, there are a lot of programmers and dedicated teams of developers and many of them already have a profound experience of cooperation with foreign companies and their number is increasing every day. Some business owners wonder why developers in Ukraine are in so high demand in the Western IT technology market. A little bit below we will provide you with ten reasons why you should hire IT developers from Ukraine

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hiring it developers in Ukraine


Over the past 10-12 years, the IT specialist market in Ukraine has experienced explosive growth and, as of 2022, reached the mark of 250 thousand specialists.

There are a lot of universities and colleges in Ukraine, which in total produce up to 50 thousand specialists every year. All of them completed a course of study at such world-famous universities as Odesa National Polytechnic University, Kyiv Institute of Economics and Humanities, and other profound education institutions. 

Ukraine also has one of the largest figures of C++ and Unity3D specialists, moreover, the country ranks second in the world in terms of the number of JavaScript, Magento, and Scala developers. The Ukrainian IT industry is growing by leaps and bounds, providing an excellent opportunity to hire top-class technical specialists. In 2022, the number of programmers in Ukraine reached 285 thousand. This is 55 thousand more than in 2021 and 106 thousand more than in 2020. Among them, the largest number of such specialists are 9,000 PHP developers, 8,000 Java and 8,000 JavaScript developers, 3,000 Python and 1,000 Ruby on Rails. At the same time, Ukraine ranks 1st in the world in the number of game developers on the Unity3D engine and C++ engineers, as well as 2nd in the number of JavaScript, Scala, and Magento developers.

IT developers from Ukraine


As we all know, only when you always improve your skills, you can become a professional and find the job of your dreams. That's why Ukraine is a welcoming home for dozens of courses for programmers. Also, the Ukrainian tech community has adapted to popular knowledge-sharing events. Such as hackathons, tech conferences, and educational courses funded by software companies.

Ukrainian developers show great interest in everything related to IT. More than 75% of them are passionate about what they do at work, and 70% say they would work in IT even if they didn't have to make money. This suggests that Ukrainian developers are geeks who are inspired by their profession.

At the same time, most developers from Ukraine know several programming languages and understand innovative technologies: blockchain, cryptocurrency, non-fungible tokens, artificial intelligence and deep neural networks, virtual and additional reality (metaverses), big data, Internet of things, etc.

It's essential not to stop at your level of professional development and Ukrainian developers understand it. Statistics indicate that almost every second programmer in Ukraine doesn`t stop at the current level of experience and takes additional training courses. All this indicates that the IT sector in Ukraine is in great demand and people are interested in it.

Ukrainian developers in 2024


The price-quality ratio has always had a strong influence on the employer when choosing a performer or service for his own company. 

Foreign companies are interested in the teams of Ukrainian programmers because of one of the best price-quality ratios. Many IT developers from Ukraine are ready to do a huge amount of work for a relatively moderate cost compared to specialists from Western countries. By the way, in Ukraine, programmers earn above-average salaries and this makes them more confident in the future, so they can work more effectively.

Regarding the income distribution by skill level, the average salary of a senior software developer in Ukraine is $50 thousand per year or about $4250 per month, mid-level developer - is $3 thousand per month or up to $35 thousand per year, entry-level developer - 2-3.5 thousand dollars per month or from 24-42 thousand dollars per year.

All this information allows us to say that Ukrainians offer the perfect balance of price and quality. The average person working in Ukrainian tech companies is usually a well-educated and hard-working person. Their education is at the same level as in Europe and America. More importantly, developers are usually highly motivated people who strive to know more and more. However, the price for their services is not as high as one might expect. For example, current statistics show that mid-level software engineers typically earn between $2,000 and $2,500 per month ($24,000 to $30,000 per year). An elderly person receives between 3,500 and 4,000 dollars in the country. Since many developers in the US, for example, expect to earn $100,000 or more, the situation is excellent. For a fairly low hourly rate, a Ukrainian software developer can enjoy a high-middle-class lifestyle in their home country. The cost of living in Ukraine is low; so most developers would be happy to use the options mentioned above. Most likely, hiring Ukrainians is the best choice for any business.

At the moment, prices for services from Ukrainian developers are on average lower than those of European ones. This is one of the features that make Ukrainian performers a reasonable investment in 2022.

hire developers from Ukraine


In the twenty-first century, there are enough internet services that can provide remote work for programmers. Video calls, file transfer programs, and so on, are all designed to make remote working easier.

During the pandemic, programmers from Ukraine have specially adapted to working remotely. After the last two years, few people will be unaccustomed to working for a remote client as part of a dedicated team. It is not of vital importance the country of the project origin. On the contrary, every ambitious IT developer in Ukraine is happy to work with a foreign company and gain invaluable experience from other specialists in the field. 

 At the same time, remote work has a number of advantages, both for employees and for company owners. For example, mobility increases significantly - hiring new employees becomes cheaper, and its speed increases. The most important thing is to save money on the rent of the premises, as well as, in general, on the support of the office.

Especially now, when all the processes of a programmer`s work can be done remotely, Ukrainians are open to job offers from foreign companies. 

hire team in Ukraine


In the modern world, skills in communication in English are essential, and therefore every university in Ukraine has developed an emphasis on foreign languages. Programmers aren't an exception. According to statistics, the overwhelming majority of programmers in Ukraine know English at a basic level, and every second one - at the upper-intermediate level, is a superpower of our time. 

Firstly, Ukrainian IT culture is oriented towards the West. People who enter it learn many Western concepts. Before becoming dedicated software developers in Ukraine, many people spent their early years on the Internet and computer games that were full of English.

Secondly, Ukraine invests a lot in learning English. Schools provide at least basic knowledge. Also, many parents are taking matters into their own hands and hiring personal tutors. In other words, your hired developers in Ukraine can easily join the English-speaking team.

Finally, Ukrainian technology companies are making big investments. Many companies have full-time teachers. However, you can expect that most IT professionals will understand your messages. Being proactive about learning has the added benefit of many Ukrainians eager to work with foreigners to improve their English.

This helps developers from Ukraine to win competitions for a place in a foreign company because compared to other countries, the percentage of people who master English at a professional level is higher. 

Also, English knowledge helps Ukrainian IT developers work for large market titans and communicate with people from different countries.

how to hire dedicated developers in Ukraine


Ukrainians have always been very friendly and sociable people, which is why they easily find a common language with other international employees and also easily work in teams. In contrast to an established cliche, even in such a profession as a programmer, the sociability of a worker is a very important skill, because conversations with customers or with superiors require disposing of people to you.

Sociability and communication are also important when writing code comments and documentation. Clearly explaining your code helps other programmers understand it faster and more fully. This is especially important if developers have to work with code written by other team members. Moreover, programmers often have to interact with customers, managers, or other interested parties. The better a programmer can understand and identify requirements, the more efficiently he or she will be able to implement the project.

Importantly, Ukrainian people are very similar to Europeans in terms of culture, religion, and worldview – this will also greatly simplify work and communication at work. 

Practice shows that programmers from Ukraine do an excellent job of working in a team and can even take on the responsibility of leading a dedicated team. In other words, you can hire Ukrainian developers for any existing team without worrying about how communication will develop within your team.

Dedicated software developers Ukraine


Ukraine has given the world many brilliant developers and programmers. In 2022 while visiting the start-up sites, you may see a profound amount of interesting ideas from Ukrainian developers, which in the future may become a profitable business. Speaking about successful ideas that interested world-famous giants, it's worth remembering how in 2012 Google bought one of the Ukrainian start-ups for 45 million dollars.

Also, taking into account the war-related situation in Ukraine, the Brave1 cluster was launched on the basis of the Innovation Development Fund to strengthen the country’s defense capability and marked the beginning of cooperation with global institutions - from Amazon to Payoneer. Ukrainian developers received more than $1 million in grants for defense technologies from the Brave1 developer cluster. We are talking about 57 unique developments that have undergone a thorough check by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In total, Brave1 received 583 projects, 305 of which have already passed the defense examination. Another 19 projects are at the stage of concluding contracts for $315,000.

The Ukrainian government also helps domestic start-ups a lot: it allocates finances for their development and attracts foreign investment. All this contributes to the promotion of start-ups and the popularization of the practice of hiring IT developers from Ukraine.

hiring Ukrainian developers fulltime


One of the main qualities of a good employee is diligence. Business owners from different countries share their experience on the fact that Ukrainian people are very hardworking specialists and performers. Important to note the extreme perseverance and meticulousness in the work of Ukrainian programmers. For the work of a programmer, perseverance plays a great role, because projects often require a lot of time spent constantly improving and polishing the final product. 

Ukrainians value their work and the money they earn there. So their work culture is great. Many people are willing to work very efficiently and even do extra work if necessary. A large number of developers do not work for a single software development company but also do some freelance work. Many people invest in improving their time management.

Hard work at any stage of human evolution helped him move to a new level of development. It also works today, where hard-working people always achieve greater success and overcome all difficulties with their perseverance. If you hire IT developers from Ukraine, then you will certainly not be disappointed with their qualities and hard work.

hire developers full-time in Ukraine


With the development of the country in the field of IT technologies in the recent decade, a lot of Ukrainian companies have appeared that have a large staff of professional employees. Not only do domestic companies hire Ukrainian developers for long-term work, but such countries as the USA, United Kingdom, Denmark, and China have also been looking for programmers in Ukraine for long-term cooperation. World-famous companies, such as Samsung, Intel, Google, and many others, already have Ukrainian developers on their staff and set a high value on them.

All this indicates a huge demand for Ukrainian developers around the world and, in particular, in large global companies. After all, large global companies approach the selection of their employees very responsibly and are unlikely to hire those who do not meet their criteria. This tells us that hiring Ukrainian developers will be a great idea for your business.

hire Ukrainian programmers


There is a stereotype that programmers are skilled techies, and creativity is more for the humanities. But this isn't at all the case; creativity for developers is a particularly important quality. Very often, programmers with developed creative thinking help to bring the project to a new level, raise the product from the rut, or simply find a short and elegant solution to a routine task. Ukrainian IT developers have always been famous for their ability to find the most unexpected solutions for their projects and bring them to reality. 

By the way, many global companies have this practice - giving employees time and opportunities to develop their own ideas within the framework of the company's activities. A current example of the successful implementation of this approach is Google, where until recently developers devoted every Friday (that is, 20% of their working time) to creating their innovative projects. As you know, some of the company’s most popular services, Gmail and Adwords, grew out of this program.

Developed creative thinking helps Ukrainian developers solve the most complex problems.

hire top developers from Ukraine


Ukraine is deservedly recognized as a world center for software development and information technology. Ukraine continues to be a source of talented developers and innovative projects that have a significant impact on the global information sphere. Services and applications developed by Ukrainians not only improve the lives of users around the world but also demonstrate the potential and creativity of the Ukrainian IT industry. Ukrainian developers create products that are gaining popularity and recognition on the world stage. They cover a wide range of areas, including software development for business, medicine, and finance, as well as innovative IT solutions. Many Ukrainian companies, such as MacPaw, Grammarly, and GitLab, have become global leaders in their fields, strengthening Ukraine's reputation as an important player in the global IT industry.

Most companies believe that cultural differences hinder successful remote collaboration. However, Ukrainian developers have achieved many competitive advantages compared to foreign markets. The attitude, work ethic, and mentality of Eastern Europeans are very similar to American and Western European companies. Since English is their second language, most Ukrainian IT developers can communicate clearly and effectively. Plus, Ukraine is geographically convenient for many industrial enterprises. Regular direct flights are available for foreign business without a visa for 90 days. If you are from the US or Europe and visiting your Ukrainian IT team, you can travel without any problems.

Summing up the information above, Ukrainian developers are in great demand by foreign companies. They easily work in teams, learn new things, and, as practice shows, have great success in the field of IT technologies. Over time, demand will only grow and Ukrainians will greatly succeed in the domestic and foreign IT markets. After all, even if there is a war in Ukraine, large foreign companies want to hire IT developers from Ukraine.

Everything leads to the fact that Ukraine, together with its highly recognized specialists, will continue to put forward the whole industry and establish two-way communication with foreign partners.

If you have any questions or have an idea about hiring a team of professional developers in Ukraine, we would be glad to fuel your business idea with our services: contact.us@gointeractive.co

It is possible to hire developers in Ukraine in 2022
How to hire developers in Ukraine in 2022
07 June 2022
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